
Questions Related to Attendance


This page provides step-by-step answers to the FAQs related to the Attendance Module.



β€‹βœ” Admin credentials

β€‹βœ” User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.



How to import β€˜In and Out’ details for an employee?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and click on the β€˜Attendance’ menu.

Step 2: Select the β€˜Utilities’ tab and then the β€˜In Out Import’ subtab.

Step 3: β€˜Select the Employee’ you want to change shift for as well as the date range. Choose the necessary options and click on β€˜Import’. The Shift changes will be reflected in employees in the β€˜In and Out Core Details’ in the ESS.

Note: If you are unable to make changes related to Attendance Module, kindly contact us at

Last updated